
# 4.40.26

2024年5月3日 10:37
  • - Dual mining: CFX+PYI (NVIDIA)
    - Excluding integrated AMD cards from benchmarking
    - A fix for some benchmark tests not passing when both 4Gb and 9 Gb graphics cards are present in the system

    (Re-benchmarking is required)

# 4.40.25 beta

2024年5月2日 09:12
  • - Dual mining: CFX+PYI (NVIDIA)
    - Excluding integrated AMD cards from benchmarking
    - A fix for some benchmark tests not passing when both 4Gb and 9 Gb graphics cards are present in the system

    (Re-benchmarking is required)

# 4.40.24 beta

2024年5月1日 17:45
  • - Dual mining: CFX+PYI (NVIDIA)
    - Excluding integrated AMD cards from benchmarking
    - A bugfix for benchmarking

    (Re-benchmarking is required)

# 4.40.21 beta

2024年4月29日 14:44
  • - A fix for the situation when a 8Gb graphics card does not pass benchmark tests due to a 4Gb card being present in the system

    (Re-benchmaking is required)

# 4.40.19

2024年4月23日 18:38
  • - Mysterium (in supported regions): fixes for proper tracking of the nodes that were originally registered outside of Kryptex app
    - Updated miners: lolMiner 1.88, Rigel 1.16.2

# 4.40.17 beta

2024年4月22日 20:53
  • - Mysterium (in supported regions): fixes for proper tracking the nodes that were originally registered outside of Kryptex app.

# 4.40.15

2024年4月18日 13:25
  • - Updated miners: lolMiner 1.87, TeamRed 0.10.20

# 4.40.14 beta

2024年4月15日 15:28
  • - A fix for an issue with periodic miner restarts when mining IRON+ALPH with lolMiner

# 4.40.13

2024年4月10日 11:11
  • - Dual mining IRON+PYI for AMD
    - Dual mining IRON+ALPH for NVIDIA and AMD

# 4.40.10

2024年4月7日 18:46
  • - Updated miners: TeamRedMiner 0.10.19, SRBMiner 2.5.2


Kryptex是一个桌面应用程序。 注册后将应用下载到您的PC。
