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How to move Kryptex to another folder

11. února 2021 13:35

It sounds like you're worried about disk space, and the good news is, Kryptex app is completely portable. You can move it wherever you want, then mklink. Open cmd.exe and type the following:

  1. robocopy /MIR %AppData%\Kryptex E:\your_folder\Kryptex
  2. rmdir /S %AppData%\Kryptex
  3. mklink /D %AppData%\Kryptex E:\your_folder\Kryptex

Now Kryptex is located at E:\your_folder\Kryptex

Tento článek je k dispozici i v jiných jazycích:



Kryptex je desktopová aplikace. Po registraci si stáhněte aplikaci do počítače.
