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I’ve been hacked! Someone is withdrawing money from my account!

Giovedì 24 Novembre 2022 14:32

Your email have been hacked

It's impossible to withdraw money without email confirmation

⚠Urgently follow the three steps below!⚠

1. Change your passwords immediately

  • Change Kryptex password in profile settings;
  • Change your password on the mail. Do not use the same password as in Kryptex!

2. Cancel your payout.

If a hacker has confirmed a payout in your mailbox, you won't be able to cancel it.

3. Protect your account

4. Improve your security!

L'articolo è disponibile in altre lingue:



Kryptex è un'applicazione per desktop. Scarica l'app nel tuo computer dopo esserti registrato.
